Dreams from a Potato friend.
Potato's Dreams 2020 Aug 1 I dreamt that Mr Skuce was promoting/selling medicine for bumblebees, with a whole operatic advertisement, while Villimé was stabbing random wasps and people with a syringe, claiming he was vaccinating them Aug 4 Just had a dream where Mme Bordeleau was teaching French in CB Aug 19 [not a dream] I usually fly around for a bit but wake up soon after / In the few lucid dreams I've had Aug 26 Had an odd dream Me, you, matto, and a few other students went skydiving Was extremely scared/nervous in the dream about skydiving, since I had no experience doing so But then I realised I was within a dream, and mentioned that fact to others in the dream So instead when we jumped off the plane, it was only like a few metres off the ground, despite the horizon initially looking like all clouds [what was the plane and ground like?] Plane was quite drab and hazardous All dull metal, no paint on the inside Parachutes were in these backpacks supposedly Side of the airplane open because we were skydiving But none of the safety features Ground was indistinct because of high speed A grassy and muddy blur But once we jumped off we landed on the ground normally, as if momentum/velocity of the plane didn't apply Sep 9 I very vaguely and indistinctly remember a dream involving many explosions Sep 25 Time does seem dilated in dreams Just had a rather odd one where I was bleedingn out in a hospital Before bunch of a CB classmates showed up and started singing the Chinese national anthem [recognize any of them?] I seem to recall Steven Yang and Anna Wang Sep 28 Had a dream where you, Matt, and I were playing a Zelda game Largely with the aesthetic of twilight princess (and called Westphalian princess in the dream world), but seemed to have Skyward Sword mechanics Before Mr Nurse told us to stop and do percussion [were we "in" the game or playing on a screen?] Just playing the game on a screen Same recurring setting of a room in an extraordinarily large shopping complex Think Ikea sized There were a bunch of other random CB kids (mostly from Link crew) around too Oct 18 Large school-wide field trip in some place in Montreal We had to evacuate the building we were staying at—some warehouse—because all the students that plugged their electronics into outlets had apparently caused an electrical fire So me, you, Matto, and someone else (it was either Villimé or Steven Yang) went for a run in Montreal We came across this very odd traffic-control bridge system that was largely made of wood There was a long line that we had to wait in (sort of like waiting systems you might see at an amusement park) When it was my term to cross the bridge, it suddenly dropped underneath me, and I had to climb back up (This was not a very impressive bridge, mind you, about 2-3 m above water) So I climbed out of water and then two people managing the bridge gave a photoshopped image of me as an apology, which I remember quite distinctly to be very odd They’d photoshopped an image of my face onto an infant, set in the background of clouds in the sky with many military-type airplanes, as well as a translucent American flag After I left, I caught up to the group in some museum (I vaguely recall it was spy-related) where you and matto were laughing quite hysterically about some crocs (the rubber sandals) La Fin Oct 31 Rather odd dream that felt unusually realistic Felt like had recurring elements of previous dreams too Me, you, Matto, Villimé, Gabriel Karasik, and other CB people were going around a school It felt very similar in design to CB and VM combined, though with some notable differences It was taller and more of an enclosed shape
I distinctly remember there was long and high stairwell The seasons were all over the place When we first went to the portable, everyone was in a rather jovial mood Villimé was somewhat aggressive however, giving people headlocks When we went to the portable, it was snowing moderately outside At the end of the day, going out the front door, it was a bright sunny summer day Oh yeah, we were in a fancy-looking cafeteria in the school prior to that Where Mme Bordeleau was standing in line At the end of the day, I missed my school bus, since I accidentally took an OC Transpo bus Aliya was there for some reason, talking loudly in a phone call (don’t recall what it was about tho) I took out my wallet to pay for bus fare, and realised I mostly had rare-looking coins among normal currency Two Canadian 50 cent coin, one normal-sized, the other with a diameter of about 10cm Some colourful toonies with auroras painted on them On the bus ride, I got a frantic phone call from my grandma Saying she read that I was suspended by the school for jumping in a dumpster I was confused and tried explaining to her that I was in fact in a bus, not a dumpster But I had forgotten the chinese word for a city bus (though not school bus), and was having difficulty explaining that to her And then I was woken up irl by my alarm La fin Nov 18 Just had quite the dream It was spring or summer, and some homeless guy had stolen something from my lawn (I think a rake or smth) So I chased him down my street, Bowercrest And then turned left onto Coral Berry But about 1/3 of the way down the street I was stopped by a gang Consisting of 2 adults I didn't recognize, Aadi, and the younger brother of an acquaintance I haven't spoken to in years And they proceeded to beat me up and rob me of my wallet, my phone, and a powerbank I was then forcibly brought into their house, where the younger brother of the acquaintance (who was like 12 or smth) Proceeded to try and lash at me with a wooden board But then he got tired, so we played Super Smash Bros together La fin [what was the interior of their house like?] It was somewhat unlike that of houses in my neighbourhood Woolen carpets They were a beige colour Living room directly on your left as you entered the home A television in the middle of the living room Not many furniture, other than a single black couch Can't remember much else Nov 24 Just had quite the odd/spooky nightmare POV of the world resembled half normal world, half cartoonish drawing style of objects and people Found myself in recurring setting of an immensely large locker room, with the surface area of a large ballroom I remember some disconcerting cartoonish style people, somewhat in the style of the art cover of those Goosebumps books, came in When some sort of painting appeared from nowhere containing a clown demon that seemed to be flitting in and out of reality And started telekinetically killing people I remember one very specific thing of magically switching the two femurs of a person Probably the most violent and disconcerting dream I have in recent memory Not sure what might’ve brought it on Dec 1 I was listening to a sci fi short story as I was falling asleep and had the oddest dream Turned from a high school setting, except it straight up looked like a jail Into a Maze Runner-like plot Into a combination sci-fi/spy movie-like setting I remember at some point reciting an advertisement for NordVPN, and laughing like mad And dream-world people didn't know wtf I was saying, because of course there's no NordVPN in that world 2021 Jan 2 I just had a series of brief and odd dreams I vaguely recall living in a trailer with 5 cats, which wouldn’t stop defecating everywhere That transitioned into a dream involving many superheroes like iron man Before again turning into a road trip where I was riding a motorbike with several acquaintances But I was concerned, because I wasn’t sure if G1 license was valid for motorbikes Eventually arrived at a museum of some kind Where ticket price was half off if we took off our shoes Was an absolute stampede of people on that arts museum La fin Jam 25 Don’t remember many details, but actually had quite the fun dream Vaguely recall first half of dream involving lots of downhill skiing Second half, was working with a some stranger (purportedly a classmate in dream world) on a French book murder mystery Where we were trying to find out how a person died and solve it Jan 30 Had a dream where I was spectating a conversation In a third-person perspective, but invisible It involved two characters speaking deeply to each other in conversation (don’t remember the specific contents, smth smth familial relationships) But the setting was very cool and interesting I was on like a moving platform/elevator, whose appearance/design kept changing But overall had a very cyberpunk aesthetic And there were like appearing and then disappearing windows to the outside world, showing super beautiful outside cityscapes At one point moving room’s dimensions not much bigger than a normal elevator Then just seconds later became like as large as an opulent ballroom Felt like I was in a world that was part-Akira part-Howl’s Moving Castle, was very cool [was it day or night?] Lighting inside the morphing room was very dark, but windows to outside showed it was daytime Feb 15 Had very very odd dream Me, you, Matthee, Villimè, Gabriel, and other VM people and a fee CB people were on a field trip on the bus, heading to many different places 1st destination was an unknown place in a suburban setting, with a building with a sign saying ‘Lisgar Collegiate Institute’ It was a most garish sign, piss yellow times new roman, against a grey-ish building Anyhow, people in the bus were yelling and insulting people at Lisgar While the bus driver kept driving the bus in a loop of the school The building was quite oddly shaped, like designed more like a governmental building, but made of marble and (from top-down view) shaped like a lunar crescent Multiple stories tall That happened for a while, and then the bus drove away Other odd things happened on the bus Everyone singing songs together I also distinctly remember me picking up coins on the ground, but I don’t remember why The school bus eventually took us to a train station/museum of some sort It was very dangerous, and had small trains running everywhere, in a looping grid In a very large room, length and width of perhaps hundreds of metres long [ Diagram ] Top down view of room, where curved lines are rail-road tracks that trains would run on And we were told to play tag inside, which we did Miraculously, nobody died Afterwards, we were walking outside along 2 parallel railroad tracks on an elevated platform It was suddenly very snow outside (while at the Lisgar location prior, it could’ve been spring or fall) 2 people, one of them was from CB and one unknown person, had the bright idea of crossing the tracks Apparently the tracks were magical, because they suddenly turned 15 years younger and became toddlers on the track Helpless to avoid the train about to crush them So 2 teachers had to go to the tracks and save/retrieve them After that whole incident, we later went downtown to some sort of store Seemed quite an old building, as was quite creaky and completely seemingly made of wood Had many different candies, all ridiculously priced Like ~3 CAD for a single starburst We later also went to a section of the store with 3D-printed pokemon figures, that was cool There was miniature gyrados We later went to a restaurant of some kind There, I wanted to get food But Ms. Eichel from VM, who was apparently on the field trip, admonished me, saying how poor of a job I did parking my car and told me to re-park it I tried to protest that firstly, I didn’t have a car, and secondly, we arrived on a school bus She told me, “no excuses!” The location’s design was rather similar to Barrhaven marketplace So I had the bright idea of breaking into a poorly-parked yellow car (that wasn’t mine) to fix it Despite being an automatic car, the controls were all wonky (break pedal didn’t work, etc.) So I ended up slowly hitting a curb, causing some light damage to car’s front A policeman came by and saw the damage He swore at me and then violently assaulted me, and then issued me a mountain of citations La fin Feb 17 Had a dream where I was playing Marche Militaire on the CB piano Just woke up and realised the notes I was playing were totally wrong Feb 24 Had a dream where I was giving a tour of my neighbourhood to an older Fidel Castro Mar 24 Had m very long dream trying to find my classes at CB, though the building were drastically modified in some ways Science labs were painted a very ugly shade of lime green For some reason, Mme Bordeleau was teaching French at CB, and HL math classes were in science labs There were also more, and larger, portables behind the school For some reason, there were also a few new stairways (though exclusively for the use of 9th graders) Unusually, compared to other dreams, I was able to rather precisely track the time elapsed (in dream-world logic anyhow) Did French 1st period, went to the wrong class (which had no teacher) for 40 minutes in 2nd period For some reason Gabriel Karasik was in that class too I spent the remainder of period 2 wandering around the school, trying to find where I was supposed to be, but then the lunch bell rang Soon, through the dream, I spontaneously remembered that I go to university, not high school, and was very confused why I was at CB Suddenly, BBC news started playing on TV screens, announcing that China has given asylum for some person in Hong Kong to go to Russia Which was odd because, yknow, China doesn’t decide how Russia grants refugee status La fin 2022 May 13 Had quite the odd dream this morning It involved Andrew Cao video calling me on a bus in Vancouver with a bunch of people to go on a birdwatching trip in the mountains of all places. The dream was also interlaced with some video gameplay that seemed like a combination of pokemon and super mario galaxy and some future fantasy/sci-fi dystopia. I was apparently trying to smuggle psilocybin across international borders in the dream, except I had to trade it in to some seer person that turned my shrooms into a sentient companion tree. The dream also involved me entering an elevator and being presented with various horror movie scenarios.
Background: sculpt of Potato's head.